We seek to be a loving community that supports all people in finding new life in Christ

About Us
Our Vision here at Old Mission Peninsula is to Create a community of connecting people with God. To be the voice of hope, living by faith, and known by love.

Prayer Requests
Ask for Prayers or Take a Few Minutes to Pray for Others in Need.

Every month we offer opportunities to care for others in our community by collecting food items or other items to be donated to local charities and human service organizations.
We can use your help in collecting items needed. The non-perishable items may be dropped off at the church on Sundays between 9:30am-11:30am or you may contact the office at 231-223-4393 to make other arrangements if needed.
We believe in the trinity of God the father, his son Jesus Christ and in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe it is our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
We believe that we are to love our neighbors. We believe that all are welcome at the table of the Lord and our doors are open to all
Join Us for Worship
Join us Sundays at 10:30 am as we gather to pray, sing, and worship God together.
We are involved in many different ways of mission outreach not only locally, but in global mission projects as well.
Our goal is to reach as many people as possible to share with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Call us today (231) 223-4393 to find out more of how you can help with local and global missions.
We offer studies at various times throughout the year and they will be posted as they occur. Call the church office (231) 223-4393 for more information.
Currently the women of the church are doing a study with the book titled “Sandpaper People” Dealing with the Ones Who Rub You the Wrong Way
By Mary Southerland
This study can help you see your sandpaper people for what they are: opportunities from God to grow – while being transformed in the process.
Check our Women’s ministry page for more info.