Join us on October 9 as we kick off our fall Bible study. We will studying the book of Second Samuel. As the publishers of our study book, LifeChange, write, “Israel wants a king. For decades God’s people were stuck in cycles of sin and repentance – oppressed by rulers from outside and by sins from within. Now in 1 & 2 Samuel, God begins to do something new. Starting with Samuel’s miraculous birth, continuing with Saul’s insecure leadership, and culminating with David’s consolidated kingdom, the stories of 1 & 2 Samuel illuminate how God uses even our missteps to lead us into His best ways.”
This is a 6-week study, starting on October 9 and ending on November 13. We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30pm in fellowship hall on the lower level of the church. Don’t worry if you can’t be at every meeting – join us when you can. A zoom option is also available. Please contact Pastor Andrea to sign for the zoom link.
For more information, contact Pastor Andrea Johnson at, or call 269-317-1937.